Urgent advice for 2012: Watch your spiritual cholesterol

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Recently someone in my doctor’s office called to inform me I’m old.

“Mr. Wright, we noticed you turned 40 this year. It’s time for a full physical, don’t you think?”

No, no, I don’t.

“When would you like to schedule it?”

I wouldn’t.

“Perfect, we’ll see you next week.”

Yes, I went. Yes, it was very thorough. Yes, the doctor spent so much time examining me that if he ever bumps into my cholesterol at a grocery store, he should stop and say “Hi!”

Still, it could have been worse. I left the appointment feeling good about my overall health. I’m active, get plenty of sleep and I’ve dropped 40 pounds during my 40th year. I don’t drink, smoke or eat too many foods that are bad for me – like spinach.

I was cruising down the highway when the doctor called a week later to report my updated cholesterol numbers. “You can always do better, Mr. Wright, but you’re just fine. See you next year.”

Can’t wait.

Maybe it’s my age or the calendar turning to 2012. Maybe it’s a heavenly prompting. In any case, I’ve thought a lot about that phone call and the full battery of tests on my physical well-being. It feels good to know I’m physically healthy. It’s a relief to know my cholesterol is just about where it should be.

But all this ruminating on my health got me thinking: What about my spiritual cholesterol?

I’m no doctor, but I know that arteries help deliver blood throughout my body. I know that they can become clogged due to excess amounts of bad cholesterol circulating in the bloodstream. When bad cholesterol levels become too high, the extra cholesterol can clog my arteries and block the flow of blood through my blood vessels.

I already know the foods that can lead to clogging and to the heightened health risks. I also know the foods that can reverse the dangers. Can the same happen to my spirit?

I’ve been thinking of the television shows I watch. Do they allow a free flow of the spirit and inspiration? Or do they clog and weigh me down?

What about the music I listen to when I’m alone in the car? Does it invite the Holy Ghost? Does it motivate? Or does it pinch the pathways?

If I were closely examining my spiritual cholesterol, I might consider how many times a day I kneel in prayer. What about the long days when life weighs on my shoulders like granite? What about the nights when the kids have bickered or when I’ve disappointed those around me by being short-tempered, short-scheduled or worse?

Do I fervently pray on those nights? Or do I drop in bed and allow my spiritual bad cholesterol to rise overnight?

Do I read my scriptures daily, if only for a few minutes, or do days pass without meaningful study of the words of modern and ancient prophets? Wouldn’t daily study ensure my spiritual veins are more open and more receptive to promptings and courage?

As I stare at the front door of 2012, I’ve been asking myself these questions and more. Often I begin the year with a new and improved workout plan for my physical body. But have I ever crafted a spiritual workout plan?

Many of us are thinking of resolutions for the year ahead. We worry about weight, work, education and our various addictions. Certainly those areas need our attention. But, perhaps, those goals would be easier to achieve if we coupled those plans with spiritual goals.

Do you pray on your knees morning and night? Without question, doing so would improve your spiritual cholesterol.

Do you actively seek opportunities to serve those around you? Imagine how such a daily attitude would allow the spirit greater access to your heart.

Do you watch movies and television that restrict the spirit and clog your veins? What about books? Do they inspire you to improve and live better, or do they introduce filth into your spiritual bloodstream?

If you wonder about your spiritual health, seek counsel from the doctor of doctors, your Father in Heaven. If, like me, your list of weaknesses and needed improvements is long and discouraging, seek advice from above on where to start.

In 2012, pick a few items that need immediate care. Resist the urge to make a long list of spiritual exercises that would discourage even the most righteous among us. Just as with our physical health, identify the most pressing issues first, the greatest risks to your soul, and work aggressively to improve.

I can’t predict how my spiritual cholesterol will look one year from now. I can only say that I’ll be more aware of it. I can’t see the future and know the trials that will come. I can only suggest that by paying more attention to my spiritual health, I’ll be more prepared for them.

I challenge you to examine yourself and identify areas for improvement. Together, let’s make 2012 the year we improved our spiritual cholesterol and enjoyed the free-flowing spirit like never before.

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